7 essential to make your landing page convert

Don’t underestimate the power of having the right content on a landing page.

Also remember not to content dump all your information on this page. It should really be clear and concise 👌. Here are 7 quick tips on creating better landing pages that convert.

If you’ve been wondering what to put on your landing page, here are some quick tips of what you could consider!

1. Keep navigation simple and clear from distractions (keeping users on the page)

2. Have clear concise heading and supporting copy that addresses the audiences’ pain points

3. Don’t forget your call to action to encourage audience to take action

4. Highlight your features and benefits

5. Show your process so the audience knows how you or the product works

6. Finish with closing copy and to encourage conversion, add in your competitive advantage (USP) to gain trust!

7. Lastly, don’t forget your contact form


Treat your brand like a person